Cannone da 75 modello 1906
 Light artillery
Contributor :
Location :
Kearny, NJ
Roadside park
Coordinates :
Lat : 40.78890 / Long : -74.13330
General comments on this surviving gun :
Identical items in the same location :
Items covered by this file :
This gun is said to gave been captured to Italy during WW2. Its wheels are indeed typical of post 1918 productions
Historic and technical information
Denomination :    
75 mod. 06
Origin :    
O.T.O. )
Ansaldo )
Historic context :
At the start of the XXth century, italy did not have industries able to design modern artillery weapons. The italian army started anyhow the study of a new 75mm fieldgun of its own design' but soon understood the gun being developed was already obsolete even before the start of its manufacturing.
Therefore, Italy wisely decided to adopt the '75 mm Mod 1906' manufactured by the German company Krupp. 872 guns were ordered and delivered from 1909. These fieldguns were a 'best seller' of this famous gunmaker catalog and were delivered to numerous nations worldwide under very similar versions.
Later, the Italian company OTO ('Oderno Terni Orlando') assembled 272 additional such guns under license from Krupp made parts. It seems the manufacture of other guns even continued during the war in several plants, including Ansaldo.
It was a modern fieldgun, but its range was rather mean. This characteristic was gradually improved from 6800 m to 10200 m during WW1 using special shells. The 75 Mod. 06 was anyhow outclassed by the very good 75/27 mod.11 Deport fieldgun.
Technical data :
- Complete description : 75 mm Krupp/Ansaldo fieldgun M 1906
- Design year : 1906
- Calibre : 75.00 mm
- Weight in firing position : 1010 kg
- Weight for transportation :
- Tube length in calibres : 30.00
- Grooves : 0
- Projectile weight : 6.23 kg
- Initial speed : 500 m/s
- Fire rate :
- Range : 6800 m (10200 m with special shells)
- Elevation range : -10 to + 16 degrees
- Direction range : 7 degrees range