Canon de 80mm Mle 1877 de Bange
Light artillery
Contributor :
Alain Bohée     
Location :
Bourges (18)
Coordinates :
Lat : 47.07330 / Long : 2.01520
General comments on this surviving gun :
Identical items in the same location :
Items covered by this file :
Rear view, with the de Bange system breech mechanism closed
Historic and technical information
Denomination :    
80 Mle 1877
Origin :    
Arsenaux de l'Etat)
Historic context :
The 'canon de cavalerie de 80mm Mle 1877' of the de Bange system was a lightened version of the 90 mm Mle 1877 fieldgun of the same famous artillery system, designed for the use within cavalry divisions, and therefore supposed to be able to follow the rapid movements of these units.
The weight loss (from 1200 kg to 955 kg) had been obtained thanks to a scale reduction of the 90 mm gun whose barrel had been reduced to a 80 mm calibre. Most of the tube and carriage dimensions were kept proportionally identical, so that differentiating these weapons on a picture is really difficult.
Very robust and mobile, the 80mm Mle 1877 was removed from the active units in 1912. Despite its obsolescence (no recoil recuperation mechanism), it was used again during the Great War, but in smaller quantities than the 90mm Mle 1877 field gun (barely more than 100 guns in service at the maximum).
Technical data :
- Complete description : 80mm M 1877 de Bange Cavalry gun
- Design year : 1877
- Calibre : 80.00 mm
- Weight in firing position : 955 kg
- Weight for transportation : 1600 kg with field trailer
- Tube length in calibres : 26.10 (21.1 calibres for the rifled part only)
- Grooves : 24 progressive angle from1.45 to 7 degrees
- Projectile weight : 5.9 à 6.3 kg
- Initial speed : 525 m/s
- Fire rate : 2 rounds / minute
- Range : 7100 m, up to 8700 m with the M1915 shells
- Elevation range : -5 to +26 degrés
- Direction range :
Les canons de la Victoire 1914-1918 - Tome I - L'Artillerie de campagne           Pierre Touzin       François Vauvillier             Histoire et Collection   2006
Le Canon, Artisan de la Victoire       Général Rouquerol                   Lavauzelle   1920
Les Canons de la Victoire, 5ème édition du Manuel d'Artillerie Lourde, revue et considérablement augmentée       Colonel Alvin       Commandant André             Henri Charles-Lavauzelle et Cie   1923