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Belgische 5.7 cm Kanone

on A7V tank pedestal

Tanks artillery

Contributor :
Bernard Plumier      http://www.passioncompassion1418.com
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Location :
United Kingdom
Imperial War Museum North
Coordinates : Lat : 53.46959 / Long : -2.29854
General comments on this surviving gun :

Identical items in the same location : 1
Items covered by this file : 1

This gun is the last surviving item salvaged from the A7V tank 'Schnuck' captured at Bapaume on August 30 1918 and transferred to IWM in 1919

Historic and technical information
Denomination :     belg 5,7cm K Origin :       ( Nordenfelt)             ( Cockerill )             ( Maxim )

Historic context :

In 1888, the British Nordenfelt company, established in France, proposed a small calibre quick firing gun directly inherited from the revolver gun concept. Belgium quickly showed its interest in it for the close defence of its new forts being built by the Général Brialmont. These guns were therefore incorporated in different roles and versions such as :

  • flanking gun on pivot in blockhouse for the close defence of the forts ditches
  • shielded mobile gun for accompaining the infantry defending the forts in the intervals or on their superstructure,
  • or even mounted on river boats or sea ships for their defence.
The Belgian '57 mm Nordenfelt' used to fire 2 types of ammunitions :
  • a 2.7 kg shell with a range up to 2700 m against targets such as assault ships and pontoons
  • a grape shot shell projecting 196 lead balls, and efficient against infantry up to a range of 300 m.
The Belgian Nordenfelt were often built under license, and tehy were often named with the brand 'Cockerill-Nordenfelt', or 'Maxim-Nordefelt'.

This polyvalent weapon also armed fishing ships during WW1. It was largely used by Germans who captured numerous such guns in Belgium fortresses and renamed them 'belg 5,7cm K' to use them as infantry guns under shielded cuppola or on pivot, in naval defence and later in their famous giant tanks 'A7V'.

Technical data :

  • Complete description : 5.7 cm gun Maxim Nordenfelt M 1888 for tank
  • Design year : 1888
  • Calibre : 57.00 mm
  • Weight in firing position : 400 kg on fort pivot - 193 kg tube only
  • Weight for transportation :
  • Tube length in calibres : 26.00
  • Grooves : 0 Unknown
  • Projectile weight : 2.7 kg (obus) - 3.6 kg (boîte à mitraille)
  • Initial speed :
  • Fire rate :
  • Range : 2700 m
  • Elevation range : -17 / +13 degrés
  • Direction range :

  • German Artillery of World War One           Herbert Jager                   Crowood   2001